Vitruvius is a company on a journey

When it was established 11 years ago by Neil Mason, the company philosophy was that good business could be done by developing close, trusted relationships and partnerships. To this day we have maintained the vision that if you like who you work with, you will work hard to deliver the best possible results. The commitment is to the relationship and the individuals just as much as the deliverables or the project.

We are in a strong position, our teams, locations, services and sectors have all expanded and we are proud of what we have achieved.  However, as Founding and Managing Director, Neil Mason regularly says “to stand still is to fall behind”.  This has driven a planned change for the next step of the Vitruvius journey to deliver on the company’s strategic plan.

As of October 2023, Andrew Body will be taking on the role of Managing Director at Vitruvius.   Andrew joined Vitruvius in September 2022 as a Director and Board member.  Andrew has a wealth of experience leading highly successful consultancy businesses in New Zealand and overseas.  Andrew is excited to step into this role and raise the bar, which is the direction of our five-year strategic plan.  Andrew joined Vitruvius as he felt connected to the company values and they are the same values that he will continue to drive.  “We will be delivering our same high-quality service to new and existing clients in the wider infrastructure sector”

Neil will be focusing on clients, their objectives and how through our technical know-how we can better support our client’s aspirations.

This is an exciting time for Vitruvius and our future.
