Project Management and Delivery, Rail Infrastructure, Surveying Services

Kaimai Tunnel

The Kaimai tunnel is of national significance as it services the Port of Tauranga and is a key component of the ‘golden triangle’ between Auckland, Hamilton and Tauranga. Hence, it is required to be in optimal condition.

Vitruvius provided Project Management to act on behalf of KiwiRail though the development of the Asset Management Plan, procurement and physical works phases and delivery of the initial scope of this project.

The works have included a variety of short-term repair and recovery activity at the same time as long-term investigation and strategic development.

The scope has included a portfolio of activity consisting of:

  • Ventilation systems
  • Concrete repairs
  • Coring and geotechnical investigations
  • Rail fastening refurbishment
  • Drainage works
  • Communications systems
  • Earthworks

Recent services provided to KiwiRail included surveying and quality control of slab track repair and improvements.

The project successfully delivered the works and minimised disruption of freight services via construction planning in conjunction with KiwiRail and key stakeholders to achieve a workable solution for tunnel access.

Vitruvius was engaged because we apply excellent asset management principals to track infrastructure.

Project: Kaimai Tunnel, Waikato

Client: KiwiRail

Project value: $7.9m

Vitruvius Scope: Project Management & Delivery, Surveying Services, Rail Infrastructure
