Project Management and Delivery, Rail Infrastructure, Three Waters

Lillington Road Emergency Works

Article written by Albert Ho – Service Leader – Civil & Water Engineering

The Lillington Emergency Response project for Auckland Council, Healthy Waters puts Vitruvius on the map of the Auckland Water sector. The high priority project, with stakeholders reaching as high as the Auckland Mayor, was entrusted to us based on our relationship with KiwiRail, engineering expertise and commitment to respond. The project addresses the risk of disruption to Auckland’s busiest train line, as a result of a stormwater pipe collapse.

This project showcases Vitruvius’ ability to pull Healthy Waters and KiwiRail together in a rapid, collaborative response to cross sector/discipline risk.  Overall, Vitruvius facilitated contributions from three major public infrastructure organisations, including NZTA Waka Kotahi, and multiple contractor entities, towards a swift and pragmatic solution in mitigating the risks presented in this high-profile project.

A 400mm brick culvert, built in 1946 and spanning 20m, lies beneath the Auckland Rail Network Southern Line and shoulder of the SH1 Southern Motorway, about 500m north of the Greenlane roundabout. The brick pipe asset was deformed, and likely the cause of rail ballast soft spots and sleeper movement directly above. Risk of pipe collapse was mitigated with slip-lining of the old brick asset with a 225mm uPVC pipe, secured with grouting to reinstate the structural integrity of the asset.

The final project outcome is a de-risked stormwater asset that functions as designed, with its lifecycle increased by an additional 50+ years, and the above rail network operating at its full capacity without limitations. The project was completed with praise from the highest level at Healthy Waters. This milestone project showcases Vitruvius’ ability to bridge disciplines and sectors, demonstrating our commitment to Auckland’s critical infrastructure, and further strengthens the relationship with our strategic key clients.

Project: Lillington Road Emergency Works
Client: Auckland Council Healthy Waters
When: May – Oct 2024
Vitruvius Scope: Water Engineering, Rail Engineering, Project Management & Delivery, Design & Delivery, Surveying
