Project Management and Delivery, Surveying Services

Otira Tunnel

This project saw Vitruvius lead the investigation and renewal of drainage and tunnel infrastructure through one of New Zealand’s longest rail tunnels (8.6km in length). Vitruvius also delivered the asset management strategy for the tunnel which ensures KiwiRail can achieve both short and long-term objectives to manage and deliver a sustainable component of the network, which is a vital link between the West Coast and Canterbury.

Vitruvius project managed the early upgrade phases comprising cleaning of the tunnel and upgrading the drainage (including in-line treatment prior to discharge to sensitive downstream river environments). We continue to provide advisory services for this ongoing project including procurement advice, investigations and scoping for the next phase which involves renewal of track infrastructure.

Project: Otira Tunnel, South Island

Client: KiwiRail

When: 2012 – 2019

Vitruvius Scope: Project Management and Delivery, Surveying Services
